Thursday, September 28, 2023




Being a single mother does not make a woman weak or a dependent. Actually, there are very many successful women of the world today, who happen to be single mothers, yet they did not allow this single parent status to derail them in into their rich and prosperous lives. Therefore, the rest of us single mothers need not burry our lives in victim mentality but instead, we should look up to those who have paved way for us, with the knowledge that we too can make It, if we put our minds to it. Success does not come on a wishful platter of gold, for anyone who craves for it.

Moreover, success is not only financial, but rather it encompasses the general health and wealth of an individual. This means that, if your heart and soul is right, then your entire aspect of life will follow suit. Consequently, every single mother should adhere to the following ideologies in life, for a victorious future, although the fronted ideas are not necessarily presented in a chronological order.

Firstly, single mothers must avoid toxic people, as they low vibrational, insecure, and with low self-esteem, whose sabotaging behaviours can completely weaken and destroy their already fragile foundation. Similarly, toxic people are prone to projecting their negative or pessimistic views onto others. Hence, it is important for single mothers to keep the toxic at bay, in order maintain their love, peace, and happiness.

Further, single mothers should buy and safeguard material wealth for their sons and daughters. As a single mother, one cannot afford to just sit and wait for the child support check to come in the mail every month. Rather, it is also important that you work hard, for the security of your children. Again, do not be too dependent on that child support check, for you can never predict the future and what it brings. In any case, you need to always hope for the best in life but also expect the worst possible scenarios.

Additionally, loss is an unpredictable phenomenon that can occur suddenly. Death can happen at any moment, and a single mother must be well prepared for such kind of a loss. Also, a single mother should write a will and testament for her children, before her time on earth runs out. Life is not guaranteed, despite what our motivational or prosperity teachers tell us. Besides, no one knows when God will decide to call us home. So then dear mothers, craft your will as soon as you are able to and make it a priority, by engaging a law firm to legally secure it before the inevitable happens.

On another note, do not deny your child's father his visitation rights. On the contrary, permit him to have a relationship with his children, albeit on a time plan. Equally, keep your issues to yourself, and present a united front when around your children. It may be hard to do, especially when you are dealing with a toxic human being. Yet, for the sake of your children, try and remain cordial with your ex-partner, while co-parenting.

Most importantly, I urge all you single mothers to not go fishing into your past. Do yourself a favour and move on into your pleasant future. Let the past go and the past people go too. Leave the drama and toxicity behind. Forgive and forget. Love people from afar and not any further. Ultimately, when love finds you, embrace it as a gift from God. Moreover, accept a soul mate who loves and respect you. Do not entangle yourself in polygamous relationships, for you will be prone to domestic altercations, which not only negatively affect you but your children as well. 

What's more, purpose to love yourself enough to create a "me" time every single day. Do not allow a busy schedule to deny you free time you need to give to yourself. Hire helping hands when and if you can, so that you may take a moment to breath. Also, do not why away from asking for help. But if you do not ask for help, you will experience burn out that will affect your health.

On destiny matters, make it your mission to find your lifelong purpose. This is the most important of quests you must embark on, as soon as you come to the realisation of what God has called you to be. Being a single mother should not deter you from finding your destiny. God does not cancel out your destiny on account of you being a single parent. You too cannot write yourself off your purpose, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, make finding your purpose a priority, by seeking God for His direction into your destiny.

In terms of love, you are required to love intentionally, and particularly so yourself, as well as your beloved children. Let them know just how much you love them, with both your words, as well as your actions. It may look or sound foolish, especially when you repetitively tell your kids how much you love them, yet this frequent action on your part will surely register in their subconscious mind that they are loved, and therefore bloom because of your love for them. So, go ahead and put your love into practice, and watch to see it bear healthy fruits.

Finally, pray everyday. Make time for prayer. Commune daily with your maker. Also, hold on to God, for He is your ultimate helping hand. God is a loyal and a friend in times of trouble. You need all the help you can get, and God is your go-to source, when you have no arrows left on your quiver. As a single parent, your relationship with God is absolutely crucial. Forget about the opinions of people, who cannot add a strand of hair on your head. Instead, create a solid bond with your Creator, and He will be too loyal to never leave nor forsake you.

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