Thursday, August 24, 2023




I recently made the choice to suspend all my therapy sessions with my local shrink. I should have known better than to seek psychical help from a former community health worker, who doubles up as a mental health profession, in our petit commune. You all know that those medics are privy to everyone's medical report, hence discretion to them is like chewing water, an impossibility which does not sit well with their nosy selves.

Anyway, at first, Doctor Fatima blew my mind with her ability to enter the sunken place and fish out repressed information out of an unconscious person. But lately, I feel that the stoic psychiatrist has become rather depressed and overly clingy, over-sharing her business with a psych patient, who happens to be me. Consequently, I have become my therapist’s therapist, and it is exhausting for me to have to listen to her marital woes every time I go in for a consult.

Still, it feels very awkward, when my shrink cries me a river all the time, and more so about her cheating husband. As a result, I have the mind to ask for a full refund of the down payment of all the hours she has taken from all my sittings. At this point, it has become even harder for me to freely speak on my challenges, for she is now in the habit of hijacking my sessions midway, only to flip them into her life confessions.

The way I see it, the doctor is lucky to have a husband she can cry about. What about me, the single like a pringle Betty Baijun? Come to think of It, group therapy would have been ideal for me to attend, some five villages away, for the sake of privacy but only the alcoholics were privileged to get decent counsel. The rest of us had to wing it, mostly by leaning onto Jesus.

Perhaps, I should have taken the divine route, instead of settling for localized clinicians. Now, the joke is on me. Needless to say, I feel a strong urge to put up serious boundaries between Doctor Fatima and I, for the sole reason that she is now insistent upon us trauma-bonding over coffee, in the after-hours. Sincerely, all I needed from my head shrinker was a professional insight into my impairments but instead, all she wants to do is to push them aside, and make hers front and Centre.

God, I should have known better than to seek advice from a non-theistic. Instead, I should have sort the divine services of one reverend doctor pastor Tom, for it would have been much easier to deal with a church minister, than a woman scorned. In any case, I must draw the line somewhere between my mental fragility and her marital woes.

However, if I take the chance to go ghost on her, I am afraid that her loose mouth will spill out all my medical secrets, which now that I think about it, I should not have been so open as to rut them out quick, fast and easy to a resident shrink. Yet again, is Doctor Fatima not a certified therapist? Everyone knows that the patient-doctor confidentiality holds not so much water within our locality.

Even our native pastors spill our very ugly secrets at the pulpit, during their everlasting sermons, such that if you listen to them with keen intent, you can easily tell whose unflattering story line was being brutally shared at a particular Sunday service, all in the spirit of discipleship. Besides, everybody will believe the community doctor over me, should she decide to generously share my medical information to all and sundry.

Therefore, I have decided that it is best to grant her a listening ear every now and then, while I come up with a game plan to dismiss her for good. The worst of it is that doctor Fatima wants to use me as a honey trap in her crooked plan, aimed at catching her philandering husband red-handed, yet, I am more of sour grapes and less of a honey comb.

Nonetheless, she is insistent that I sacrifice myself for a noble cause, a rookie move which will only be of benefit to her, while it kills my reputation, adding psychosis to the already long list my mental shortcomings. But what can I do to slide off easy from her crazy self? She has all my details at hand, and even knows where I live. At this rate, I might have to either move to an undisclosed location or seek for an asylum abroad, anything to claw this wench off my back, for real.

It is no wonder that her husband is out in the streets, frolicking with pretty young things. But wait one minute, perhaps I could convince her to dump her vulturous husband and spare herself the blatant shame, disrespect and embarrassment he has inflicted upon her. But what if I get caught up in their drama, and be accused of the unthinkable, provoking the doctor to butcher me mercilessly?

On second thought, I will not risk my life, for I know that a series of unfortunate events will begin to happen to me, whereby I will be caught up in the rapture of the doctor's wrath. In any case, the locals are talking and the streets are watching her cheating husband paint our locality with his philandering acts. Come to think of it, why are many men never satisfied with drinking water from their own cisterns? The fact is that the grass is never greener on the other side of infidelity, because karma sits pretty on it, eager to dish out justice, karate style.

Anyhow, I have finally made up my mind not to seek any more mental recourse from human beings in general. Maybe I am better off praying for lasting solutions to my persistent problems, than to be vulnerable with mere mortals, for it never ends well. As for Doctor Fatima, I wish her Godspeed.




I dare to speak for all the modern Kenyan women out here, when I say that we well prefer brains over beauty. Even though beauty is a strong asset that cannot be ignored in the developmental and progressive matters, I believe that the brain is more crucial when it comes to the evolution process, as well as the art of revolution. After all, what is beauty in the face of grinding poverty?

This is the mentality of the Kenyanese, who frown upon the "damsel in distress" attitude, and instead prefer to work hard, engaging their brain power into maximum use, for a beautiful outcome. You will catch a Kenyanese dead bragging about her trophy wife status to other self-made female tycoons. Beautiful as she maybe, her husband's wealth will not erase her dependent status. Even our very own socialites pride themselves of being go-getting money makers, despite of our moral beliefs with regards to their daily hustle.

In a word, the Kenyanese are a strong, ambitious, independent, and business savvy women, such that If you put them under a microscope, you could almost see industry wigs at work, churning yarn into gold. However, some overrated periodic magazine dared to categorize the Kenyanese, as being the least attractive in the whole of Africa.

Well, the next time you dare to publish nonsensical trash about us, we will ban your supply of periodicals within our borders, and use all your remaining absorbent pages to wipe dirt off our designer shoes. The nerve of this low level unstimulating tabloid to weigh African women in scales, and categorize us based on their skewed opinions of beauty standards.

Your perception of beauty may perhaps be measured by physical looks but to the Kenyanese, our beauty is blended with our brains. The Kenyanese normally have money on their mind and beauty on their side. Besides, who cares much about beauty, when you are able to bank-roll a whole clan single-handedly? Show me your brain power, and I will show you the many men who will be cramming at your door, to court your socks off, in pursuit of love and marriage.

Men can only feed on beauty with their eyes, but mostly crave for a lasting union with a woman who is equally capable of generating wealth. Even the bible attests that a vitreous woman is one who financially fends for her entire household, and these are the scriptural values that the Kenyanese have faithfully adopted. Hallelujah!

You see, beauty is a tool of trade for any hot shot Kenyanese. Beauty is an assessor which a Kenyanese uses to cut impossible deals with, when her brain power hits a snag, once in a while. Similarly, beauty is a super power she uses to penetrate that kind of supernatural handsome she needs to date, marry, and have kids with. Additionally, beauty is an invisible key a Kenyanese deploys, to open invisible portals beneficial to her.

I tell you that only narrow minds value beauty more than brains. For instance, I travelled for work to an undisclosed country way back when, and you have no idea of how disgusted I was by their worship of beauty and marriage. It is as if wherever I turned to stare at the sorry state of affairs, it was all looks but no brains, for the majority of the female folk. What is more, they were complacent to owning synthetic hair, acrylic nails, and a rich husband, more than acquiring a good education, as well as title deeds.

"Do you have any graduate or post graduate qualifications?" I almost obliterated one semi-illiterate francophone peacock princes, who was trying to shamelessly flaunt her pretty in front of serious-minded intellectuals, all for clout. Her brainless beauty rubbed me the wrong way, that she almost provoked me to anger. I would have lost it, by hurling derogatory insults at her foolishness. Nonetheless, my Christianity, as well as my work contract, would not permit me to cross the ethical lane.

Needless to say, as a true born and bred Kenyanese, I value more academic certificates than a marriage license, and log books more than beauty products. If I seem too confident with my brains as opposed to my beauty, then put the blame on my society, for he bred me into this mentality. What is more, society raised me to think like a man, yet act like a woman. As a result, here I am, tipping over blurred lines, while trying to blend both gender roles and values to my own advantage.

A Kenyanese will be at least thirty years of age, before she decides to take a leap of faith and jump into holy matrimony. She will prioritize on acquiring fixed assets first, and maybe bind herself to a pre-nuptial agreement, before she can take on marital vows. Additionally, with a Kenyanese, there is always an alternative plan money-wise, for to depend entirely on a man for stability, is to prepare for pre-mature death.

Thus, hard work is bread and butter for a Kenyanese, while a spouse makes for a solid companion. However, in case she is unable to succeed in the financial trade, then she will begrudgingly claw her way into the heart of a loving man, and ultimately glue herself onto the arms of a generous provider. Either way, the double standard will be a win-win for her.

In this case, beauty will be a strong asset for a Kenyanese, even though predictable and very fleeting. All she will need is to adapt herself into the unforeseen circumstances like a chameleon, in order to survive. Besides, can a leopard change its spots? Absolutely! All the leopard needs is a great tattoo artist to ink those spots and convert them, either into rain drops or fault lines.





If I hear one more time of some positivity junky excessively crooning at me on how to live a victorious life, I will joust them out of my life expeditiously. I am yet making another disclaimer that if I get to hear another taunting mantra that tells me, "You should be grateful of the challenges that life throws at you!" I will very much choke somebody to death. I say, go on and hold a celebration for all the problems in your life, if you must but permit me to wallow in my sorrows in peace.

Must you always force the sun to shine on my pain? Will you not allow me to grieve in solitude, while I wait for the burden to slowly and naturally lift off my shoulders, before you can drag me to the mountain and bombard me with your never-ending sermons about loving thy neighbour or how to live my life like it is golden?

It will behoove you to know that some of us appreciate walking through the five stages of the grieving process, before we can let the sunshine in. But positivity junkies will not let us rest with their "Forgive, forget and let it go!" messages. Oh, how I at times loath their overly sunny dispositions. Listen up all you motivational junkies! I just want to enjoy greasy food, hard liquor, and sad movies in solitude. There is no need to quote so many bible scriptures on to me, for God's sake.

Speaking of the bible, the worst positivity junkies are bible enthusiasts, especially the ones that love to attack every challenge, by quoting scriptural verses, every waking second. How annoying it is, when all you need is a kiss and hug, to make it through a dark period, instead a bible fanatic will prance on you out of nowhere, with a psalm or a beatitude in hand that has totally no connection to your current situation. How about I quote a harsh proverb in retaliation, and see if you like it?

One zealot cousin of mine heard of my heart-wrenching betrayal story, and thought of it as an opportunity to gospelmatize me with the long version of Joseph and his hateful brothers. All I needed was a home-cooked meal and a local rib-cracking stand-up comedy series to neutralize the sting of those back-stabbing decepticons.

Needless to say, this relative would not give me the satisfaction of taking the normal route of dusting my shoulders off, and disassociating from my enemies. Instead, she had the nerve to ask me to swallow my hurt, forgive, and make good with my foes, for it was the righteous thing to do. Consequently, I had the mind to bruise her cheek with a hard-core slap but instead, I brutally chased her out of my presence.

What of those woke alarmists who give you unsolicited advice? These truth-mongers will first bombard you with their x-files, before they kill and finish you off with all their conspiracy theories. What is more, you must imbibe their reality, whether you like it or not. God forbid that they should allow you a moment of ignorance, when they have a database full of incriminating evidence of all the apocalyptic plans of the devil, to pelt you with.

The woke alarmists also love to speak on topics such as, the illuminati or the mark of the beast. It is true that the end of the world soon approaches but that is no reason to feed our souls with constant fear. Hence, I pray not to stumble upon another recommended viral content about dooms day predictions, an impending alien invasion or unidentified flying objects, because I just might loose my cool, and block everyone on social media.

How about those vegan peddlers out here, who preach loudly about the need to avoid meat products from our diet? Before any of you vegetarians approach me with your fifty reasons as to why I should not partake in consuming meat, I must warn you beforehand that you all should leave me be, for I have a special permit from the Creator of all meat products, which allows me to freely ingest any type of meat delectably approved under the Mosaic law.

Moreover, I need strong animal protein, in order for my brain function to attain maximum capacity. Besides, I owe it to my ancestors to pour libations and offer juicy meat offerings upon their sacred graves, just as they like it. Needless to say, my cultural traditions tramp your modern beliefs, so we best leave it at that.

Equally, I would like to completely ignore those therapeutic agents, with their condescending questions such as, "How does the hurt make you feel?" Well, if you must know Counsellor, it makes me feel stupid answering rhetoric questions. Anyhow, what I really need is to heal from my mental traumas, and not re-live them. Therefore, are you capable of making me feel whole again or do I yet seek another consult?

What of those health nuts and gym rats, who put you on a Ninja Warrior type of an obstacle course and claim that, "The pain you are experiencing is all in your head. What? So, I should ignore the throbbing pain in my body and instead indulge in an imaginative high? I may be many things but being crazy is not a problem I struggle with. On second thought, a Zumba class with an easy dance spin will do for me, thank you very much.

How about those junky pastors who are always preaching to their congregants to sow seeds for miraculous blessings? All I hear them say is, "Plant a seed money worth a hundred dollars and watch God prosper you!" My friend, do not loose your brain and get financially scammed in the process. I beseech you to quietly leave the church premise, quickly run for the hills, and wisely burry your money in a viable investment that will profit you in the future.

Let us also not forget about those feminist devotees with their eternal slogan of, "The future is female!" I may somewhat agree with this catchphrase but where does my son fit into this empowerment agenda? Better yet, where are all the men in their feminine roles? Because, that is the only way they will relate, as well as participate in this movement.

Lastly, let us discuss those love mongers, with their deathly obsession over their love interests, clinging on to them like leeches, all in the name of unconditional love. Furthermore, they toxify love by claiming that, “No one can love you like I can!” which often turns into a crime of passion. Therefore, avoid these enamoured souls, by choosing peace and tranquility. So, the next time a positivity junky comes your way, learn the art of dodging, for your own good.





It has been many years since Benny left me all by myself. I am not sure whether he still thinks of me. I still remember the cold steps that led me to the sacred ledge that foggy night. I trembled hard, as I walked closer to the edge, clutching hard my ebony sandals. I did not shed a tear, despite me screaming my head off. The throbbing pain on my chest would not subside either, as I muttered incoherently my last prayers, before I called it quits, and pulled the plug on this hard knock life.

I could not feel my face, and my eyes were blurry from all that vodka I had consumed. I laughed so hard, reminiscent of my fleeting life. One day, I was over the moon in love, and the very next day, I did not want to live anymore. Poor me. If only I could turn back the hands of time, and change the ugly course of my pathetic life. Perhaps then Benny would return, and love the newly re-modeled me.

The surgeon was convinced that the cosmetic surgery would improve my love life tremendously. But alas! Even miracles could not fix our crumbled relationship. Benny fell out of love with me. I just chose to ignore the rifting distance between us, and continued to play the role of the good wife. Now look at me, I have lost the use of my heart. I am an empty shell of my former bubbly self. Nothing excites me anymore. I constantly dwell in the past, to re-live my glory days.

The future is unrecognizable to me. I am unable to separate the truth from the jive. I smile to fool people that I am over the pain of divorce but in reality, the weed is keeping me afloat, so as not to fall apart in raging anger. I do not even know the state of my very own children. Benny took them away from me, to live with the new found love. My God, if I sunk any lower than my current state, then I would be no better than a corpse.

I lost my sense of direction. I am not able to embrace reality. Nowadays, I just sit in solitude, unable to snap out of Benny. What did he do to me? What kind of hold does he have over me? I cannot seem to function, ever since he left me for good. I really wish to forgive and forget him but I am holding on to his return, five years on. Maybe if I wished upon two bright stars, Benny would finally come back home to me, so that we could be a family again.

If Benny game me a slim chance, I would remind him of our honeymoon years ago, of how happy we were, before I became sick. I would also show him those ebony sandals he gifted me, when we first met each other. I preserved them to date, as a reminder of his love for me. I would equally accept the doctor's diagnosis of my illness and in turn take the prescribed medication, which will make me better. I would especially not endanger the children or make him worry over us.

Until then, I am holding on to our love. My heart only beats for Benny, and only him. These rummaging thoughts will not stop me from clinging on to my true love. I bet you that sooner or later, he will dismiss that husband-snatcher, and run back to me. I will be waiting with open arms for his return, and then, we will never part. Perhaps Benny needs me to protect him from that strange woman.

What is more, I am convinced that she seduced him into her arms, and now he is struggling to find his way out. As a result, I must rescue him, and the children from that Jezebel. No, I am not crazy! I am a soldier of love. The doctor is convinced that I have developed a bi-polar disorder, or is it schizophrenia? I am not sure which is which, for I rejected his examination on me, and threw all my medicine in the dumpster.

I know that Benny will circle back to me any day now. He at times comes to the house and we talk for hours, laughing at dancing shadows on the walls of our marital home. Benny loves me very much. He will never leave me. Benny's lawyers served me the last of the divorce papers but I know that they were lying to me. Benny could never leave me. I told my family about the divorce papers, and consequently, they convinced me to hide in a secret asylum, where the lawyers could not play mind games with me.

Hence, I agreed to disappear for a while but on condition that I bid goodbye to my Benny. Nonetheless, every call I made to him went unanswered. Thus, I got worried, and decided to pay him a visit at his place of work. Needless to say, he was not pleased to see me, and painfully ordered me out of his life. His cruel words brought me to welling tears that stung my eyes, and stained my cheeks, as I sobbed uncontrollably.

No sooner had I collapsed on to the sofa behind me, from the pain of rejection, than my head snapped. I do not know exactly what came over me but before I could control my weeping self, I reached for the knife in my bag and passionately began to stab Benny in the stomach with it. My eyes became blurry from that bizarre episode, that I could not see blood profusely trickling down his lifeless body, and on to my ebony sandals.

Meanwhile, my head kept spinning hard, making me feel faint. I finally dropped the knife in my hand, as I lost all cognisance. Today, I will go and visit Benny. The doctors say I am well able to see him, and lay a fresh wreath on his grave. I cannot wait to go and meet him. I must wear my ebony sandals, because he loved the way I looked in them.





Nowadays, scrubs want to be pursued, courted, and taken care of like young brides. You will see their idle selves laying before the television screen on a Monday morning, comfortably scrolling over a multitude of packaged channels they did not pay for, shamelessly munching on breakfast they did not work for, and living off the back of some clueless woman's blood and sweat.

Scrubs are a piece of work, and I do not mean those protective surgical gowns worn by intelligent and hardworking medics at the hospital. As a matter of fact, scrubs are men who scrounge off others, particularly so ingenuous women. Thus, an adult scrub can eat plenty and sleep peacefully, yet when he is called to fend for himself, he suddenly develops an allergy to work. Who takes the blame for this boy's slothfulness? Should we point our fingers at his malleable mother or his absentee father?

The incompetent scrub says there are not enough decent jobs for him to work on, and make himself a useful member of society. As soon as his donkey of a wife goes to work to cater to him, he turns into a potato couch for the remaining part of the day that is until his unemployed passie rings his cell phone requesting him to join them for a mindless tête a tête at their favourite spot, the jobless corner.

Who raised this guy to be a buster? His parasitic ways are a cause for annoyance. But what is most infuriating is his virtuous wife. This woman is a serious enabler, dedicated to breaking her back for a toy boy, all in the name of love. What is more, at the risk of not wanting to be bachelorette well into her forties, she swallowed her pride, and settled for a leech. Inevitably, she willingly will shoulder his burden, until death do them part.

God forbid that his enamoured wife departs the earth before him. He will do the predictable, marry the house help, and squander his dead wife's wealth. I pity her children the most. Since dad has zero say so in the home front, the kids will learn the art of becoming simpletons, and leeching off of their prey.

Shame on you scrub! Your entire existence is a public waste. Here is a rake and a hoe. Make yourself useful, rush to the shamba, put your back onto it, and produce something for once in your life. Yet, I know you will make excuses for why your idle self cannot work. As a result, let us see how tight and right your game is, after the law screws you over.

Consequently, I do propose for new legislative laws to our constitutions, which target these scrubs. If only our governments could implement impunitive measures, in order to curb this new age type of behaviour, for it is unnaturally African. Perhaps I could be of help, with regards to carving out a grim set of rules, which would ensure that there will be no scrub males in our African society.

The first law would be compulsory hard-core military training for all the scrubs, inclusive of all suspected playboys, Casanovas, as well as heartbreakers. As soon as you young bloods begin to display scrub-like tendencies, the government would be accorded all authority to net and ship you to the desert, for an intense military drill, in order to militarize your co-dependent selves into universal soldiers. After all, we need this generation of scrubs to be upstanding citizens, and two years of military training would be an ideal way of transforming scrubs into generals.

The second law would aim at banning all scrubs from accessing a bed and breakfast. The appropriate slogan for these freeloaders would be, "No sleep and food for a lazy scrub." They would instead be subjected to hard labour, so as to eradicate their parasitic nature. Equally, thirty lashes on the back of a scrub, would potentially diminish foolishness from their brains by fifty percent.

Hence, thirty strokes of the cane, would be more than a scrub could bear, because anymore, and the moocher would just collapse and die. Moreover, I would also recommend hard labour, so as to jog the mind of a scrub from slumber. Perhaps a strong whip would do in the case of a sponger scrub. Yet, if corporal punishment does not work, then our governments could consider jail terms for weaklings, so that they gain growth and depth, although this is not a guarantee, especially for those scrubs who are mentally slow.

The third rule for scrubs would be, no romance without finance. You heard it here. There is nothing for nothing sir. Maybe all scrubs would have visibly branded tattoos printed on their foreheads, which would help other citizens identify them. This barbaric move by our governments, would potentially curb heart breaks by seventy five percent.

Equally, every rehabilitated scrub, with an extensive military and sensitivity training, would no better than to break any woman's heart. However, for those hard knock scrubs who easily malfunction, would be sent back to the dog house for minor alterations and technical adjustments. After all, our governments cannot afford loose cannons parading our streets like mindless zombies.

The fourth rule would be that the wealth of all the women bank-rolling these scrubs should be frozen, until their self-esteem increases up to eighty percent. Our governments will then enforce mental re-adjustment programmes nationwide, for all women who are related to these scrubs, including their very own mothers.

Moreover, the women who partake in this mind-adjustment programmes, will be encouraged to find equally balanced relationships, so as to completely gain their self-worth. The rule will be simple, either you get with a fruitful partner or remain single for the rest of your life.

The fifth rule that our governments would impose on the scrub challenge are breakthrough prayers, as a last resort. In case the aforementioned stringent laws fail to curb scrubolisis, then prayer warriors will be summoned to pray travailing prayers, especially on those brutish scrubs, who are bad to the bone, if possible exorcise foolishness and stupidity out of them. God help us all.


THE HUNTING THE HUNTING It was the darkness in his stare, and the danger in his eyes, which made my heart skip a beat. Moreover, it was ...