Monday, June 26, 2023



That statement has had so many desperate women in a rut. I mean, is the boy really yours, if you have to brawl over him? I would not dare wage war against my fellow woman, unless it is for a good cause. Sure, let us fight over food, water, air for we need these for our survival. We can even battle to defend our family’s honour, for it is justifiable to do so. But not for the love of a philanderer.

I would be caught dead panel-beating another soul because of competition over a womanizer. Why would I? Why should I? What about my self-worth? How about my self-respect? Perhaps we could learn to share, instead of breaking into a catfight over him. Yet, the better option for me would be to allow my rival have him for good. Afterall, how many billion men are left for me to choose from? Hence, I would not stoop so low as to fight over one man, when I have so many other options.

Ladies, listen to this tale as old as time, of how Mary and Sue got over Chris. So, Mary did not know that Sue and Chris were an item, before she got with him. She was happy to date him, oblivious of the fact that Sue had been in the picture long before she appeared on site. Chris wanted both Mary and Sue, thus he ommitted the truth, not wanting both ladies finding out about his infidelity, thereby exposing his dirty little secret.

But when the girls found out through the grapevine that Chris was having his cake and eating it too, they decided to claw each other bloody, in order to secure their love for Chris. Long story short, they both decided Chris was not worth destroying their Brazilian weaves for. Hence, they dumped him in the trash, where they found him, and went off to live fruitful lives.

You see ladies, the moral of the story is, do not get caught up in the rapture of love and loose your precious teeth in the process. Some men are for the streets, so accept it and leave them there. The truth is that you cannot change a player. Instead, surrender him to God and walk on by.

Perhaps I am talking to myself again like I always do, because I know that somewhere beyond the rainbow, there are several confused women who have heard of this tale, yet will fiercely fight for old player Joe’s love, not knowing that Joe is struggling with some insecurity issues since his teenage years, hence his desire tomanipulate and delude the poor lasses.

It is here that I would wish to rest my case and call it a day with dummies who cannot seem to take proper counsel and place value on their selves, yet I am propelled by powerful forces, to direct my counsel instead at all the surviving Casanovas, who specialize in breaking the hearts and minds of naïve women. To all you playboys I say, stop tricking or you will end up dragged into the deepest darkest part of the abyss.

This is my advise to all you perverts who are busy cheating women out of their love, time, and money. There is a special place in hell reserved entirely for all of you, where you will spend the rest of your afterlives paying for your deadly sins. But then again, why should your victims wait that long for their justice?

Maybe you all should receive a dose of karma and a taste of your own medicine, before you descend to Sheol. I will warn you though that when she comes lurking at your door, she bays for blood and shows no mercy. It is an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth with karma. She is bloody cold and does not miss her target. Do you see where I am going with this rant?

But why am I even wasting my precious time bantering with grown folks, when I have things to do and places to go to? In the end, you have one life to live, so do not waste it on people who are not worthy of you. I repeat, do not add value to the wrong people. I rest my case.

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