Saturday, February 25, 2023



Radio personality Caroline Mutoko has been ruling the nation’s airwaves for decades, connecting us to the greatest music hits, highlighting some of the most controversial of topics, while dropping her precious gems of opinions on us, whether we appreciated it or not. Yet, what is most captivating about Caroline is her cut-throat way of being, a straight shooter without apologies or regrets. While this audacious attitude may turn people off, even so I believe that God made Caroline that way, for reasons that will make up for a powerful piece of read on this segment of black history month.

I got to know about Caroline Mutoko back in the nineties, when she did a New Always Ultra infomercial, whereby she spoke of the product in the following manner, “You do feel clean, you do feel dry, and so you just go about your business.” The three things I picked from Caroline in this throw back Always commercial was her accent, confidence, and her sense of style. Back then, Caroline was a rising star, carving a niche for herself, perhaps not aware of the kind of influence she would yield in the future. I am yet to see or hear a female in Kenya that can match Caroline’s energy of being bold and a straight shooter. I am sure that there are plenty of brazen females but they could be fire crackers, compared to Caroline’s dynamite disposition, for she does not mince her words when she speaks and whatever she says always has an edge of finality. However, this is not to say that Caroline is too rigid to respect the beliefs of others, though you have to convince her otherwise.

I heard Caroline once say to her mentees that, If you have an average mentality, everything you do or possess will be average, from your house, job, friends, ideas, and possibly even your partner in life. Well, that sounds a bit of a stretch and many would argue and say that there is nothing wrong with being average but Caroline disagrees. According to her, you attract who you are, a harsh reality which many like to runaway from. Nonetheless, I begrudgingly agree with her. It takes a lot of shadow work on a personal level, in order to move from average to great, and while it sounds achievable, not many are willing to venture into unchartered territory, afraid of the gory skeletons within that they would wish want to hide from or pretend that they do not exist.

It is for this reason that many view Caroline as fierce and somewhat cocky but trust chauvinistic males, as well as embittered females to give their unsolicited opinions about strong personalities they cannot conquer or destroy. Moreover, it is always intense animosity with such a group of low vibrational beings, who seek to pull down powerful individuals, with their crabs in a bucket mentality, unaware that it is God’s will for His creation to be diverse. Besides, you cannot compete where do not compare, therefore remedial treatment or therapy is necessary for one’s growth and progression in life. So, enough with the harsh judgements about the people you deem unlikable. Instead, take off the rose-coloured glasses, and learn to accept people for who they are.

All in all, I do admire the beautiful complexities that constitute one Caroline Mutoko. In my humble opinion, she is one of a kind and needs to remain that way, for there are not many functioning individuals that possess her rare qualities. Firstly, she is not cut from the Kenya uniform cloth, of following the leader and his marching band. Instead, Caroline follows her wits and guts, something that has made her a cut above the rest.

Similarly, her ability to speak her mind without fear or failure, is another quality I esteem about Caroline. Unlike her, I can be cat, sometimes overly thinking about what is best for society’s image, rather than what is best for me. I can bet you that I am not the only one in this quagmire, for we are many who care what others think about us but not Caroline. You see, she overcame this fear, by challenging herself to step out of the matrix and see view herself in her own standard, outside of the already critical society.

Many say that Caroline is too stern to be a wife, who is subservient to a man. First of all, Caroline is a mother of two, meaning she is loving, caring, nurturing, contrary to popular belief. Secondly, I believe that Caroline would make a good wife, especially at her age, where she has a vantage point of being mature enough to handle the responsibilities of being a wife. Let God send in a great man her way, and watch to see if she will not play her role exceedingly well. Thirdly, Caroline is yet to find a man, with whom she can let loose and be vulnerable with. With such a bold type of woman, you need the right kind of man to match her values. The problem is that there are not many alphas with right kind of Leo energy to balance the scales with Caroline. Nevertheless, I do believe that it is just a matter of time before one such man appears in Caroline’s life, and change the course of history.

Here is to you Caroline Mutoko; you are a rare breed, a precious seed, refined, and unattainable. So, walk and talk like it, relentless of your blest root. There are not many like you, and not many can become you. You are one in a million. A golden breed indeed.

Radio personality Caroline Mutoko has been ruling the nation’s airwaves for decades, connecting us to the greatest music hits, highlighting some of the most controversial of topics, while dropping her precious gems of opinions on us, whether we appreciated it or not. Yet, what is most captivating about Caroline is her cut-throat way of being, a straight shooter without apologies or regrets. While this audacious attitude may turn people off, even so I believe that God made Caroline that way, for reasons that will make up for a powerful piece of read on this segment of black history month.

I got to know about Caroline Mutoko back in the nineties, when she did a New Always Ultra infomercial, whereby she spoke of the product in the following manner, “You do feel clean, you do feel dry, and so you just go about your business.” The three things I picked from Caroline in this throw back Always commercial was her accent, confidence, and her sense of style. Back then, Caroline was a rising star, carving a niche for herself, perhaps not aware of the kind of influence she would yield in the future. I am yet to see or hear a female in Kenya that can match Caroline’s energy of being bold and a straight shooter. I am sure that there are plenty of brazen females but they could be fire crackers, compared to Caroline’s dynamite disposition, for she does not mince her words when she speaks and whatever she says always has an edge of finality. However, this is not to say that Caroline is too rigid to respect the beliefs of others, though you have to convince her otherwise.

I heard Caroline once say to her mentees that, If you have an average mentality, everything you do or possess will be average, from your house, job, friends, ideas, and possibly even your partner in life. Well, that sounds a bit of a stretch and many would argue and say that there is nothing wrong with being average but Caroline disagrees. According to her, you attract who you are, a harsh reality which many like to runaway from. Nonetheless, I begrudgingly agree with her. It takes a lot of shadow work on a personal level, in order to move from average to great, and while it sounds achievable, not many are willing to venture into unchartered territory, afraid of the gory skeletons within that they would wish want to hide from or pretend that they do not exist.

It is for this reason that many view Caroline as fierce and somewhat cocky but trust chauvinistic males, as well as embittered females to give their unsolicited opinions about strong personalities they cannot conquer or destroy. Moreover, it is always intense animosity with such a group of low vibrational beings, who seek to pull down powerful individuals, with their crabs in a bucket mentality, unaware that it is God’s will for His creation to be diverse. Besides, you cannot compete where do not compare, therefore remedial treatment or therapy is necessary for one’s growth and progression in life. So, enough with the harsh judgements about the people you deem unlikable. Instead, take off the rose-coloured glasses, and learn to accept people for who they are.

All in all, I do admire the beautiful complexities that constitute one Caroline Mutoko. In my humble opinion, she is one of a kind and needs to remain that way, for there are not many functioning individuals that possess her rare qualities. Firstly, she is not cut from the Kenya uniform cloth, of following the leader and his marching band. Instead, Caroline follows her wits and guts, something that has made her a cut above the rest.

Similarly, her ability to speak her mind without fear or failure, is another quality I esteem about Caroline. Unlike her, I can be cat, sometimes overly thinking about what is best for society’s image, rather than what is best for me. I can bet you that I am not the only one in this quagmire, for we are many who care what others think about us but not Caroline. You see, she overcame this fear, by challenging herself to step out of the matrix and see view herself in her own standard, outside of the already critical society.

Many say that Caroline is too stern to be a wife, who is subservient to a man. First of all, Caroline is a mother of two, meaning she is loving, caring, nurturing, contrary to popular belief. Secondly, I believe that Caroline would make a good wife, especially at her age, where she has a vantage point of being mature enough to handle the responsibilities of being a wife. Let God send in a great man her way, and watch to see if she will not play her role exceedingly well. Thirdly, Caroline is yet to find a man, with whom she can let loose and be vulnerable with. With such a bold type of woman, you need the right kind of man to match her values. The problem is that there are not many alphas with right kind of Leo energy to balance the scales with Caroline. Nevertheless, I do believe that it is just a matter of time before one such man appears in Caroline’s life, and change the course of history.

Here is to you Caroline Mutoko; you are a rare breed, a precious seed, refined, and unattainable. So, walk and talk like it, relentless of your blest root. There are not many like you, and not many can become you. You are one in a million. A golden breed indeed.

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