Friday, February 3, 2023




On this fourth day of Black History Month, I seek to pay homage to this enigma of an individual. A moment of silence for this political king! I swear, they do not make them like this anymore. In this nation of Kenya, no man is more popular and more decorated in the art of politicking like our very own Premier, The Right Honourable Raila Amollo Odinga! Agwambo is a man we all love to hate and hate to love. He is a decorated statesman, an aristocrat, a visionary, a leader, a pan-Africanist, a man of the people, a poster child for all things unbeatable, a true legend, and a national treasure.

Have you ever met someone with an ‘IT’ factor? Jakom has three of them. He is a triple threat; bold, bad and brazen, a tri-factor that when combined with his money, power and status, transmute into a very lethal mix, which has catapulted him to his kingpin status. Do not get it twisted though. Royalty runs through Tinga’s veins. He was birthed in wealth and an heir to a dynasty. But do not think for a second that he depends upon it to shine. Infact, he solely grew this empire, and expanded it to become vast, with many of his kin from of his bloodline ascending from it, to follow in his footsteps.

Baba has been in this political game since KANU days. He has fought every battle he could, to ensure that Kenyans get to enjoy their democratic freedom. He has been through hell and high water for the sake of this nation, sacrificing even his life for his people, a show of his patriotism. It is no wonder why the euphoric energy around this man is felt across the globe. The hype that drives Agwambo’s name is inexplicable. Even children know his name and sing along to his tunes. Furthermore, he is a muse to the elderly, and a force to reckon with to his peers.

You should see the way we rush to have a glimpse at Rao, every time he literally lands via chopper in our local stadium, within my home town. There are locals who are always on the know of Baba’s visit and make it their business to advertise it. Soon as the word goes out of Baba’s impending arrival, drones of people arrive at the football field, just to glimpse at this man. Rao can pack a rowdy crowd like wild fire, in seconds. Even our local politicians scamper hurriedly to glare at Baba. The irony of it all is that we never get to really hear what he says, for his euphoric energy makes people overly excited when this icon appears in the scene.

Yes, we all do agree that Jakom is one of a kind. However, I do feel the need to speak about the rock behind the man, his loving wife, lady Ida Odinga. Raila maybe a brand all by himself but when you add Mama Ida to the equation, they both become a great force. I bet you that Mrs. Odinga silently plays her position well, as the chess master behind the scenes, ensuring that her husband is always prepped and ready to go, holding him down rock-steady throughout the years, helping him fulfil his dream, while protecting his legacy.

There is a rumour that Jakom has nine lives like a cat, a chameleon construct and a charging bull, having the ability to shape-shift, transform himself into whoever he wants to be, and smack head on at his opponents. It is for this reason that I am making this humble plea to both the government of Kenya and the citizens of the world that The Premier must therefore be preserved in his own special grove at the Louvre museum in Paris, when he finally joins his ancestors in the after-life. Until then, Baba is not about to hung up his spurs. Infact, he recently landed himself a new job, as an African Union Special Envoy, whatever that entails. He is an energizer bunny, who transudes longevity, determination and perseverance, even at his delicate age. Jakom, what exactly are you made of?

A word of caution though, to those who aspire to play in the Premier’s field, learn this valuable lesson, that you cannot compete where you do not compare. So, humble yourselves and learn from the master himself, for humility goes a long way.

To The Premier: The Right Honourable Raila Amollo Odinga; Long Live Agwambo!


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